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tutorial.helpers (development version)

  • Clean up “Instructions for Writing R Tutorials” vignette.

tutorial.helpers 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-26

  • Add show_file().

  • Add process_submissions().

  • Remove the ability to save answers as either RDS or PDF files.

tutorial.helpers 0.2.7

CRAN release: 2024-05-06

  • Get test cases for format_tutorial() working again.

  • Fix format_tutorial() to deal with changes in parsermd 0.1.3.

  • Setting rmd_viewer_type to “pane” within set_rstudio_settings(), per suggestion from Jade Cao.

  • Add “ID” field to default information page.

  • Change tutorial title to “Getting Started with Tutorials.”

  • Give set_rstudio_settings() a set.binary argument which is set to TRUE by default, causing the function to run set_binary_only_in_r_profile() at the end. This is handy for the “Getting Started with Tutorials”” tutorial.

  • Remove “Getting Started with Tutorials” from

tutorial.helpers 0.2.6

CRAN release: 2024-01-16

tutorial.helpers 0.2.5

CRAN release: 2023-05-21

tutorial.helpers 0.2.4

  • Add test case for write_answers().

  • Fix (really!) error on CRAN Debian systems (caused by attempts to write to the user library) by setting the intermediates_dir argument to tempdir() in the call to render() within knit_tutorials().

tutorial.helpers 0.2.3

CRAN release: 2023-05-12

  • Fix error on Debian systems caused by attempts to write to the user library. Thanks to Kurt Hornik for pointing out the problem.

  • Create “Rstudio Addins” vignette.

  • Create “Testing Your Package of Tutorials” vignette.

  • Create “Tutorials for Books” vignette.

  • Fix error in downloading files by exporting write_answers(). Thanks to Xavier de Pedro Puente for the report.

tutorial.helpers 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2023-05-08

tutorial.helpers 0.2.1

  • Changes for CRAN submission.

tutorial.helpers 0.2.0

  • Add examples and return values for all exported functions.

tutorial.helpers 0.1.2

  • Move prep_rstudio_settings() to r4ds.tutorials.

  • Publish Getting Started tutorial to Shiny Apps and adjust _pkgdown.yml to make use of it.

tutorial.helpers 0.1.1

  • Add prep_rstudio_settings().

  • Add Getting Started tutorial.

  • Change copy_button to only use base R.

tutorial.helpers 0.1.0

  • Basic working version. Big code clean up since spinning out of all.primer.tutorials package.

  • Revise most test cases.

  • Centralize answers creation with write_answers().

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.