tutorial.helpers (development version)
- Add test case for write_answers(). Add associated files to .Rbuildignore so as not to violate the CRAN size restriction of 5 mb.
tutorial.helpers 0.2.5
CRAN release: 2023-05-21
- Remove test case for write_answers() to meet 5 mb maximum package size.
tutorial.helpers 0.2.4
Add test case for write_answers().
Fix (really!) error on CRAN Debian systems (caused by attempts to write to the user library) by setting the intermediates_dir argument to tempdir() in the call to render() within knit_tutorials().
tutorial.helpers 0.2.3
CRAN release: 2023-05-12
Fix error on Debian systems caused by attempts to write to the user library. Thanks to Kurt Hornik for pointing out the problem.
Create “Rstudio Addins” vignette.
Create “Testing Your Package of Tutorials” vignette.
Create “Tutorials for Books” vignette.
Fix error in downloading files by exporting write_answers(). Thanks to Xavier de Pedro Puente for the report.
tutorial.helpers 0.2.2
CRAN release: 2023-05-08
Replace /dontrun{} with if(interactive()){}.
Fix return value in submission_server().
tutorial.helpers 0.1.2
Move prep_rstudio_settings() to r4ds.tutorials.
Publish Getting Started tutorial to Shiny Apps and adjust _pkgdown.yml to make use of it.
tutorial.helpers 0.1.1
Add prep_rstudio_settings().
Add Getting Started tutorial.
Change copy_button to only use base R.
tutorial.helpers 0.1.0
Basic working version. Big code clean up since spinning out of all.primer.tutorials package.
Revise most test cases.
Centralize answers creation with
.Added a
file to track changes to the package.