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About this package

positron.tutorials is a collection of tutorials for working with Positron. Covers scripts, Quarto documents, git, Github, and Quarto websites. Makes extensive use of the tools in the tutorial.helpers package.


To install the package from CRAN:


You can install the development version from GitHub with:


positron.tutorials is currently not avaible on CRAN.


There are sevene tutorials in the package. In paratheses after the title of the tutorial, we show the code for running the tutoria. Example:

learnr::run_tutorial(name = "01-code", 
                     package = "positron.tutorials")
  • Positron and Code (“01-code”). Introduce students to Positron and to writing R code in simple scripts.

  • Positron and Quarto (“02-quarto”). Demonstrate more tricks for working with R code using Positron, and also explain Quarto documents.

  • Terminal (“03-terminal”). Teach the command line.

  • Positron and GitHub Introduction (“04-github-1”). Explain the basics of Git and GitHub, mostly in the context of Positron.

  • Positron and GitHub Advanced (“05-github-2”). Provide more practice in working with Git/GitHub, including more details on the use of GitHub Pages.

  • Quarto Websites Introduction (“06-websites-1”). Demonstrate the basics of website construction using Quarto projects.

  • Quarto Websites Advanced (“07-websites-2”). Practice Quarto websites, with a focus on splitting data analysis tasks into separate files.